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Sunday, January 1, 2012

All about family!

Today was all about family!  The four of us spent the entire day together, mostly at home, just enjoying each other's company and relishing in the short time we have together (Amy leaves tomorrow... sad). 
It's so good to be home and all under the same roof, together again!

Amy and I took a little sister trip to Starbucks, then TARGET... then Starbucks again! 
Someone's addicted to coffee in this family... and it isn't me. hint hint!

My mom and I went through some old family heirlooms and found this gorgeous broach that belonged to my great grandmother on my mom's side.  I know it's not very cool to wear these in America, but all my co-workers wear them on their blazers in Korea, so now I can join the trend... and how awesome that mine is a family heirloom!  I love it!

My parent's best friends Rick and Sherry came over for a delicious lunch and lots of chatting!  While we're not related by blood, these 2 are just as much family as any blood relatives out there!  They're a special, special couple who I really look up to and adore! 

Rick and Sherry are really invested in making a difference in Africa by teaching locals how to dig wells in order to provide fresh water to their villages!  They have the most beautiful hearts and perspective on life...  Sherry brought back a bag full of these hand made paper beads that she had bought from women living in the slums of Compala Africa.  She poured them out and told us each to pick what we'd liked to have.  I chose these 3 that I'll wear proudly!  Thanks again Sher Bear! 

It's 10:45pm now and Everybody Loves Raymond is on the TV, Mom's reading e-mails on her laptop at the kitchen table, Amy's looking frantically for her missing tablet, dad's playing TETRIS in his big comfy chair and I'm blogging at the kitchen table!  Feels so good to be home!

Tomorrow we'll say goodbye to Amy, but Hello to Aaron!   
Happy New Year! 

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