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Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I always write about myself on here, but today I'm dedicating a blog post to my other half and his amazing photographs!   Aaron has basically taught me all I know about lighting, camera settings, focusing, etc, and has made my pictures so much better over the past year and a half!  He just recently bought a vintage NIKON film camera and has been shooting film images as well as digital!!  I thought I'd share his flick'r link with you, so you can check it out for yourself... and see just one more reason why I love him so! 

Click below:


I was spotted by one of my students, after school, today.  It was bound to happen, since I live in the same neighborhood, take the same busses, and shop at the same markets as them...  But you know what the kid (5th grade boy) said to me?

"Hello.  Where is the boyfriend?!"

How is Aaron already more popular than me?  I showed them two pictures of the guy, during my power point presentation about myself, and now they're hooked!  Uuugghhh.