At this very moment, my little sister (x-in law), Kelsey, is walking down the isle to marry her best friend, Jameson! It's 8:30am here in Korea, and I'm up and thinking about them... practically bursting at the seems about their marriage! I know that they have found the right partner in each other and that makes me incredibly happy! Doesn't thate make it so much more exciting when you know a bride and groom are perfect for each other?!
I took this picture with them the last time I saw them (when I was home in February!) I told them I was going to save it for this blog! :)
So, Jameson and Kelsey, I love you and am so proud of you two! I hope your wedding day is magical, and I hope your marriage, life, and future family are blessed and filled with joy and happiness! (Sounds like a greeting card... I know! I'm sorry! But It's true!)
As we say in Korea, "Gumbhe!" (Cheers!)
Love always, your big sis!