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Friday, April 23, 2010

Surprise Sleepover!

I knew Carlos and Jess were going to be in town this weekend, because Carlos was getting another knee surgery... but I didn't know they were going to surprise me by sleeping over last night! It was sooo fun to see them! Aaron took this picture of us all cuddled up on the bed with our PJ's on! (He took it with a slow shutter speed and a laser pointer)... Fun huh?!

We stayed up until midnight, talking, dancing, eating, and laughing together! This morning, when my alarm went off, I could barely contain my excitement that all my friends were at my apartment! As soon as Carlos got up, I serenaded him with my own version of a "Happy Surgery Day" song! Who doesn't want one of those to get their surgery day kick started! :) Best Thursday night I've had in years! *** Thanks Perlazzas!

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