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Monday, April 27, 2009

Boyz II Men are making a comeback!

One of my co-workers was on my bus this morning and we started making small chat about music. He asked me if I liked "Boyz II Men." He was definitely feeling pretty good about himself because he knew an American pop group. But, when I replied, "yeah. When I was 12 years old, they were very popular," the look on his face was of utter defeat as he realized the pop group he mentioned was less than impressive. Instantly, I knew I had hurt his ego, so I began to say how much I still liked their music... He quickly perked up again! Later this afternoon, he sent me this e-mail:

"Alexis, do you have a this song file? Would you like to hear this file? i love this song.^-^
see you at lunch time ^-^"

-- He attached the song "End of the Road." I have a feeling all of our conversations from here on out will be about Boyz II Men. What have I done?!

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