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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Put 'em to work!

Ella and I ordered individual student desks for our classroom, so we could finally get rid of these heavy wood tables!  They may look nice, but they're every chatty little girl and boys dream!  What kid wouldn't love to sit at a table with 5 friends for classtime!  The answer is NONE!  They love these tables...

In America, I worked as a principal's secretary at a high school, and whenever furniture needed to be moved to another classroom, I called our "maintenance guys" and gave them the orders!  In Korea though, we don't have "maintenance guys!" Rather, we have 6th grade boys... and today, my principal put them to work, along with the 2 able-bodied male teachers!  Their job - to carry (5) 100lb+ all wood tables down 8 flights of stairs!

As you can see, everyone is put to work in this country, (even 11 year olds!) and no one says "NO" to the principal!

Believe it or not, no one was hurt in this ordeal, and the bright shiny new desks look fabulous in my classroom!  I'd say it was a pretty productive day!  Thanks boys! :)

1 comment:

  1. I want to see a new picture of your classroom with the individual desks!
