
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I guess this means goodbye...

Hey!  I'm alive after over a month of blogging hibernation! I actually decided to quit writing my blog when we started getting busy photographing full time.  It just became too much to continually write and take & edit photographs for this blog and our photography website.  So, I made myself put my camera down one day, somewhere during our week in Maine, and told myself to just enjoy the last 3 weeks of our road trip and our new home in Charleston without journaling every move.  But, I figured that after writing nearly every day for 4 years, I should probably give this place a final farewell. 

 Before I officially say goodbye, I'll give one last Osteen update for ya!  We've been living in Charleston now for almost 2 weeks and renting an awesome house that's 0.2 miles from Folly Beach (oh yeah!), we have a lovable 8 year old 100 lb dog named Cash who wakes us up every morning by moving his big fat body up next to us so we can all spoon together, we officially own a business now and work from home - sometimes in our PJ's!  We have breakfast together and make coffee in our new Kourig in the mornings, we take walks on the beach with Cash every night after dinner (and sometimes go for a lil swim, since the ocean feels like a bathtub here!!!) and we just bought adorable beach cruisers, so now we go almost everywhere on our bikes!  We're busy, everyday, setting up the business, creating business cards, designing the website, finalizing our logo (Thanks Keri!)...updating our Aaron Nicholas Photography Facebook page and ANP Instagram pages (which we'd love for you to "like" and be a part of if you're not already), meeting with business tax guys, having coffee with wedding planners and other wedding photographers, and enjoying every single second of it! (Weddings are definitely on the brain these days.)

So, I may not be updating here on my beloved blog anymore, but I will however continue to update my personal Facebook and Instagram accounts with photos around town and on future adventures, so feel free to follow me there. :)  Let this not be a goodbye, but a see ya around instead!

Love, Jill


  1. I cannot help but feel a sense of loss! I will miss your blog!!!

    1. I love you too Jills! And cant wait for us to meet up again! I am actually thinking of going back to Korea next year. Miss it so much! And it just wont be the same without you! By the way, I am planning to delete my jasmine blog as Im busy developing a new one! Its more photography than anything else -

  2. Your blog not only encouraged me to move to Korea and start my own blog but it made me realise that the boy I have known since I was 12 really was the love of my life. Your blog has been a guide, entertainment and more enjoyable than you could imagine. Thank you so much for sharing your story and I wish you and Aaron all the best. We are enjoying every second of our time here in Korea so thank you for helping us make that final jump. Good Luck :)

    1. Wow! I'm honored that I was such an inspiration in moving to Korea and that I helped you figure out that the love of your life was right there under your nose! :) You're welcome for sharing, and I'm so happy you were blessed by it! :)

  3. What an amazing blog you created Jill - that so many people will miss. Congrats my friend.

    1. Thanks Cassie! I'm just happy that it was able to re-connect us! :)

  4. I will definitely miss these updates and living vicariously through your adventures. You also inspired me to start my blog and reach out to others! Thank you for being who you are- so real, honest and willing to share your life over the last 4 years. You're going to have to update your Facebook a lot more now! :) Love ya Jill!

    1. Well, it seems as if I've passed the blogging torch to you, my dear! I am loving Parenting the Pipsqueek! Even though I don't have kids, I almost always learn something from whatever you write! :) And yes, I'll be giving facebook a little more attention these days! Love ya!

  5. Goodbye! Thanks for sharing your life. You seem like such a lovely person. Best wishes for your new life in Charleston!

  6. UGH for everyone else Jill, but YAY for you! Moving on and finding a new adventure is what life is all about. I'm so grateful that I came across your blog. It helped me so much so many times, and not only for directions and information on places. More importantly it put me at ease knowing that even though I was on the other side of the world from everything I'd ever known in my whole life, I wasn't crazy (just the good kind of crazy) for thinking I could move my family here and do this and have the time of our lives. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. :)

    1. Ah, Kristi, you are SO SWEET! Thank you for your comment and I'm so glad I was able to put you at ease and act as your navigation and informational assistant! hahaha. :) I always wondered if anyone ever actually used the directions I listed on posts. I'm so glad that you reached out to me almost 2 years ago, because I've loved reading your blog as well now! I try to keep up to date as much as I can. It gives me that glimpse of Korea when I have days when I miss it! :) Soak up your time there and continue to take a million pictures for all of us to enjoy over here! xoxo, Jill

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