
Sunday, December 6, 2009

It's official -- I'm staying!

just signed a contract for ANOTHER YEAR of teaching in Korea! I'll be here until March 2011!!!

Who would have ever guessed Jill Anderson, the girl who grew up in the same city her whole life would love living in another country so much! I love Korea so much that I didn't even think twice about signing my life away for another year! (Oh and PS, I never dress like this for work, but it was 25 degrees today, and I just wanted to be comfy... luckily my Principal didn't care at all! He was all smiles when I walked into his office!)

My Principal didn't think twice either about me staying at his school for another year.... which made me feel great!

*** Thank you Lord for the blessings this school and country have brought to me during this pivital year in my life! May it continue to be as wonderful and life changing next year!