
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Care Package!!!

Yesterday, as I was leaving school, the school secretary said "Alexis, This is for you" and pointed to this huge box! I was literally speechless! I knew it was from my aunt Barb because she had told me she sent me something, but I never expected, in a million years, it would be this huge!! If it weren't for the fact that I was smiling, laughing, and super excited about showing off my care package to my co workers, I would have been completely speechless!

It was so big, in fact, that one of my co-workers offered to drive me home, so I didn't have to carry it on the bus! :)

I could barely contain my excitement and was dying to see what was inside! So, I went ahead and ripped open the box in the backseat of Josh's car. The first thing I saw were GRAHAM CRACKERS!!! (We don't have these in Korea!) I was so excited, I opened the box as fast as I could and handed one to Josh, and one to Stella and said "You have to try these!" They each took a bite and said, "Ego mashisayo" (It's delicious!)

When I got home, I dropped the box in the middle of my apartment and took out each item at a time! It literally took me 10 minutes to take everything out, because I looked at everything and relished in the moment! Check this out!

There was a gingerbread making kit (which I'm soooo excited about!), tons and tons and tons of Mary Kay lotions, body scrubs, lip glosses, perfumes, chocolate jello, popcorn, stockings, candy, christmas ornaments, taco seasoning (mmmmm), ranch dressing, mac n cheese (thank you!!!), graham crackers, hot chocolate mixes, etc, etc, etc... I felt like a 7 year old on Christmas morning!

Aunt Barb... Thank you for making me feel soooo special! Each item you included was perfect and I appreciate it more than you know or could ever understand! I love you!

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