
Sunday, November 22, 2009

I'm on a Christmas mission!

Jess sent me a link to a Christmas blog this morning as inspiration for our Friday nights together! It had a list of awesome ideas to get ready for Christmas! I've edited it down, and added a few of my own ideas. I'm dedicated to making all of these things happen before Christmas comes! Check back to this blog on Christmas Day, and I'll have pictures posted of each event / thing that I accomplished! I'm on a mission folks!

1. Go Ice Skating!
2. Watch It's a Wonderful Life!
3. Exchange gifts with someone!
4. Address and mail Christmas cards!
5. Download one new Christmas Album!
6. Make hot chocolate and marshmallows!
7. Host a Christmas Sweater Party!
8. Put up a ribbon sash for Christmas cards!
9. Give my apartment manager a present!
10. Put up a Christmas Tree
11. Make a Gingerbread (cookie) house!
12. Make a popcorn garland!
13. Read The Best Christmas Pageant Ever!
14. Sing (or listen) to my favorite Christmas songs!
15. Go out and see public light displays (If there are any here!)
16. Read the Christmas story from the Bible!
17. Sew a stocking and fill it with candy!
18. Go to a seasonal movie!
19. Host a Christmas dessert party!
20. Write out a Christ-centered goal for the New Year!
21. Have a full traditional breakfast while listening to Christmas music with friends!

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