
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Culture Day!

Once every 2 months or so, some Korean schools have what they call "Culture Day," for the teachers, where after the students leave school, the teachers are free to leave and do something pertaining to the Korean culture. This can be visiting a museum, going to see a movie, taking a walk through a park, etc... Anything basically!

So, yesterday was my school's Culture Day! All of the teachers went to see a Korean movie at the movie theatre in Nampodong, but Stella, Josh and I went to a DVD Bang to see The Taking of Pelham (Josh's choice)!! I assured them I would be fine watching a Korean movie with the rest of the teachers, but they insisted that we go to the DVD bang instead! It was sooo much fun!

Us in the elevator...

This is my favorite DVD bang because it's really nice and clean! Some of them are pretty shady looking...

After the movie, we realized we had 40 minutes to kill before the other teacher's movie was over, so we walked through Nampodong...

... and ended up at a pool hall (AKA: Pocket Ball Room as the Koreans say)! Stella and I were on our game and beat Josh in the 1st round! We like to think we're pretty great at pool!

After playing a couple games, we met up with some of the other teachers and went to a really great Italian restaurant! (from left to right: April, Ella, Lisa, and Jason... Those are the English names I gave them!)

Josh and Stella

After dinner, they decided it would be fun to move the party to my place!! This was the 1st time I'd ever had work friends over (other than Stella). This is actually not a common thing to do in Korea, but they all wanted to see my place and hang out!! Little did I know it would turn into quite the party!

We stopped by the local market and picked up some anju (Korean appetizer type food) and Josh did the cooking! :) We had Kimchi Chamchi Chigeh (Kimchi-tuna soup), Ohdeng (disgusting fish thing), Whey (raw fish), and some vegetables! It was soooo great!

They played some Korean drinking games (which I think is really weird to be doing on a work night... but for them it's totally normal!)

and basically just laughed and had a great time together! :)

It was such a funny experience to have a bunch of people at my place for a party and them to not be speaking English! Just imagine... When they left, around midnight, they thanked me profusely (in English!!) for letting them come over and stay till midnight, and kept saying how comfortable and great my place was... which is always a nice thing to hear, since I love decorating!

Overall, Culture Day was fabulous! I still can't get over how awesome it is that I get paid to do this stuff!

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