
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Craft Night

Friday night, Jess and I had our 2nd official craft night! :)   We have committed to meeting every friday night to do crafts and catch up on life!  This week, Jess made these gorgeous origami crane Christmas ornaments to send home to her family members...

... and I made some Christmas cards (made completely from construction paper, glue, string, and some beads!)

We stayed up crafting until 1:00 am, and then decided it was time for a movie!  We both fell asleep watching Whicker Park, and woke up in the morning, ready to finish it! (Great love story by the way... I'd recommend it.)  I was ecstatic when I asked Jess what she wanted to do in the morning and she responded with, "I wanna make Christmas cards!"  So, off we went again, into our craft world in my little apartment!

We ended up staying in our PJ's, making Christmas cards until about 3:00pm in the afternoon!  It was such an awesome 22 hours worth of girl time!!

Here are all the cards I ended up making:

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