
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Go With The Flow

This morning, I walked into my classroom at 8:45am (15 minutes before school starts) and my kids were already sitting in their seats. Come to find out, school started at 8:45am this morning, instead of 9am, and Stella forgot to tell me!

Then, instead of 10 minute breaks, we had 5 in between classes! This surely was NOT enough time for the kids to release all their built up energy from sitting in class for 40 minutes, and definitely not enough time for me to have some peace and quiet to prepare for the next class! They were crazy and nearly uncontrolable today - which is NEVER the case!

And I just found out that I can leave work at 1pm instead of 4:40pm today! I have no idea why, and I'm not gonna ask! I'm learning to go with the flow around here, and am becoming surprisingly more and more laid back as the days roll by! - And to be honest... I kinda like the new me!

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