
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Time to sing a song!

This is what I sang with my 3rd graders on Friday! They love singing, and you better believe I sing my heart out and do all the dance moves with them! Teaching kids is so much fun! :)

Lost in Translation... This time it's in PRINT though!

I took these pictures yesterday while Kev and I were out and about shopping in Busan. They were sooo funny that I had to celebrate their existence with a photo!

"Be The When People Need You"   Hmmm, be the what?!

"Coca-Coco, Coca Coca Co," and what the heck is "Move office?"

I couldn't resist... I actually bought this one because it was soooo bad!

Kev and I looked at this shirt for a long time and can not figure out what the heck they were trying to say. Anyone??

All I can say is, WOW! This one takes the cake for sure!

Markets in Korea

They are awesome and huge and have everything! Here are a couple pictures I took this weekend at the market near our house. It's called Gukje Market.

North Pacific Ocean!

I've been lucky to see the ocean almost everyday, but I have yet to actually go down to the beach! Last night, Colin, Kristin, Kevin and I went shopping and then took a taxi to the Kwangan Beach, near Kristin's apartment. We went to a darling little coffee shop called PappaRoti, which apparently was named after Pavarotti, but the spelling is a little off! haha We sat at the coffee shop, which is practically on the sand, and watched the sun set! It was magical!

Papparoti makes the most amazing molasis rolls and hot chocolate!

This picture is really blury, but you get the point! This beach is gorgeous and has high rise buildings lining the sand! (Me, Colin, and Kristin)

The Kwangsan beach has a huge bridge that runs East - West and is massive and beautiful! It's lined with LCD lights that change colors throughout the night. (I stole this picture because our zoom lens was on and we couldn't get a pic of the whole bridge.)

Soccer Saturdays!

Kevin was invited to play soccer with one of the Administrators at his school. He figured it would be a bunch of old men trying their best to play the game. I think he was a bit shocked when we pulled up to the field, and they were really good! He and Carlos both played 2 scrimmage games and each made a goal! Jess and I were very proud of our boys!

Kevin, Jess, Me, and Carlos sitting on the bench after the 1st game...

Kevin and Carlos talking about their strategies before the 2nd game...

Playing soccer...

Gifts galore! Jess and I seemed to be the center of attention at the game! The players from different teams kept bringing us drinks and treats! :) It was awesome! The bag is filled with home made rice cakes.